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激情文学网 【新刊速递】《国外政事经济学议论》(RIPE), Vol.30, No.6, 2023 (上) | 国政学东谈主

2024-08-03 16:06    点击次数:193


激情文学网 【新刊速递】《国外政事经济学议论》(RIPE), Vol.30, No.6, 2023 (上) | 国政学东谈主




《国外政事经济学议论》(Review of International Political Economy)是一份涵盖国外政事经济学参谋的双月刊同业评审学术期刊。其确立于1999年,由Routledge出书。本刊是国外政事经济学规模的主流期刊之一,与《新政事经济学》(New Political Economy)并排。2022年该刊影响因子为4.3。




Socio-environmental conflicts and land governance: a study of Chinese infrastructure investments in Argentina



Political economy of the 'informal’ housing question: institutional-hybridity of the postcolonial state



International regime complexity in sovereign crisis finance: a comparison of regional architectures



The instability of the nuclear nonproliferation regime complex



Governing cyberspace: policy boundary politics across organizations



Competition and regime complex architecture: authority relations and differentiation in international education



Hierarchy and differentiation in international regime complexes: a theoretical framework for comparative research



Value differentiation, policy change and cooperation in international regime complexes



题目:Socio-environmental conflicts and land governance: a study of Chinese infrastructure investments in Argentina

作家:Sol Mora,圣马丁国立大学政事与政府学院阿根廷国度科学工夫参谋委员会 (CONICET) 的博士后参谋员。


This article establishes a dialogue between the neo-Gramscian approach and Latin American Political Ecology by analyzing land governance – specifically attempts at land grabbing through Chinese infrastructure investments in Argentina. Building bridges between these two perspectives enables an application of Robert Cox’s framework to the study of socio-environmental conflicts inherent to land governance. The study of two land grabbing initiatives in Argentina, one that was suspended and one that continues with modifications, shows that social resistance can condition attempts at land control through investments and their execution. Consequently, the dialogue between these two theoretical perspectives not only revitalizes Cox’s thought but also highlights socio-environmental conflicts in environmental and nature governance processes as a new research direction for IPE.



题目:Political economy of the 'informal’ housing question: institutional-hybridity of the postcolonial state

作家:Danish Khan,好意思国富兰克林与马歇尔学院经济系助理教化兼“不对等、勤劳、职权和社会正义倡议”连合主任。


In recent years, International Political Economy (IPE) scholars have increasingly turned their attention to cities. However, their primary focus has been on the role of a select few global 'cities’ that regulate global flows of capital, goods, and services. Nonetheless, a significant gap in the IPE literature pertains to the limited exploration of how processes of neoliberal globalization are impacting and regulating the low-income 'informal’ housing sector in cities located in the global South. To address this gap in the existing IPE literature, this paper critically analyzes the processes of formation and demolition of informal housing settlements against the backdrop of the neoliberal regime of accumulation. Informal housing settlements have been extensively examined by critical geographers and scholars in the field of urban studies. What distinguishes this paper is its unique contribution to the literature on IPE, that is, it utilizes the political economy of informal housing settlements as an entry point to critically analyze social ontology and the inherent contradictions of the postcolonial state. The paper argues that the relationship between informal housing settlements and the postcolonial state can be better understood through the lens of the 'institutional hybridity.’ This concept refers to the fusion of contradictory socio-economic and institutional impulses within the postcolonial state, which aims to manage social reproduction and capitalist accumulation simultaneously. The inherent tension between social reproduction and accumulation manifests in the informal housing settlements in the form of a dialectic of 'benevolence-violence.’ On one hand, the postcolonial state attempts to appear 'benevolent’ towards marginalized groups by 'allowing’ them to establish informal housing settlements through a multi-layered network of clientelism. On the other hand, the postcolonial state resorts to violent displacement of marginalized groups as soon as they pose obstacles to real estate-led capitalist accumulation. Thus, the paper contends that IPE scholars should carefully consider the political economy of informal housing settlements, as it provides captivating insights into the mechanisms through which the postcolonial state becomes subject to regulation and is pulled in different directions by the socio-economic forces of neoliberal globalization.


题目:International regime complexity in sovereign crisis finance: a comparison of regional architectures

作家:C. Randall Henning,好意思利坚大学国外工作学院国外经济关系教化。


The theory of international regime complexity that frames this study specifies expectations for international cooperation stemming from different combinations of hierarchy and differentiation among institutions in regime complexes. This paper compares relationships between regional financial arrangements and the International Monetary Fund in the regional complexes for crisis finance in East Asia, Latin America,婷婷第四色 and the euro area during 2000-2019 and tests these expectations. Creditor states that sit at the nexus between global and regional institutions are particularly influential in the choice of architecture (the combination of hierarchy and differentiation) for these complexes but are constrained by arrangements inherited from previous decades. Once chosen, the complex’s architecture in turn shapes policy adjustment in borrowing countries and influences whether states pursue regime shifting or competitive regime creation when dissatisfied with institutions. These findings generally coincide with expectations, but exceed the degree of policy adjustment that the core theory expected for the euro area. Interinstitutional collaboration, the dynamics of which are elaborated, fills this explanatory gap. The paper concludes that relations among institutions are essential for understanding the outcomes and evolution of regime complexes and underpin a more complete explanation than provided by singular institutionalism, the power-gap hypothesis and other alternative approaches.


题目:The instability of the nuclear nonproliferation regime complex

作家:Mette Eilstrup-Sangiovanni,剑桥大学政事与国外参谋系国外组织和全球政事学教化


This article theorizes path-dependent changes in the institutional architecture of the nuclear nonproliferation regime complex; it analyses the effects of different regime-complex structures on institutional contestation and policy adjustment. I first offer a general theory of how the preexisting institutional structures of international regime complexes (IRCs) facilitate and constrain subsequent institutional developments in ways that make IRCs prone to endogenous, path-dependent change. Next, I illustrate how strategies of regime shifting and rival regime creation in the nuclear nonproliferation complex have triggered path-dependent 'reactive sequencing’, resulting in growing institutional fragmentation. To illustrate endogenous dynamics of IRC evolution, I examine the nuclear nonproliferation complex at three 'critical junctures’: The mid-1970s, the end of the Cold War, and the early-2000s. During each period, exogenous proliferation shocks interacted with pre-existing institutional structures to produce specific patterns of contestation which set in motion a reactive sequence of growing institutional fragmentation. My argument has relevance for global economic governance broadly and for the growing IPE literature which explores reactive sequencing and institutional decay in global governance institutions.


题目:Governing cyberspace: policy boundary politics across organizations

作家:Stephanie C. Hofmann,欧洲大学参谋所政事与社会科学系教化和罗伯特·舒曼高等参谋中心国外关系连合主席;Patryk Pawlak,卡内基欧洲参谋中心的拜谒学者和欧洲大学参谋所(佛罗伦萨)罗伯特·舒曼高等参谋中心兼职教化。


Policy boundaries and issue interdependence are not a given. The stakes they imply—who governs, how, and where a policy domain is—become institutionalized over time, often first by the Global North. We know little about how these stakes are presented and institutionalized within and across organizations. We tackle this lacuna by asking how, and to what effect, an emerging policy domain is situated in a densely institutionalized environment. We argue that new policy domains such as cyberspace or artificial intelligence prompt resourceful governments to forum-shop policy frames by clustering promising issues in new and existing organizations in pursuit of coalition-building. Initially, resonance is more likely to be established in organizations with like-minded countries, leading to partially differentiated non-hierarchical regime complexes. In the long-term, competing adjustment pressures, particularly felt in the Global South, help trigger a regime-shift to an orchestrating general-purpose organization. Key actors must reconfigure their frames thereby reducing differentiation. In today’s geopolitical world, this hardens intra-organizational political differences. We examine three propositions in the case of cyberspace and show how the proliferation of competing frames across organizations led to shifting the policy debate to the UN, where only piecemeal policy adjustments are possible. Our analysis is based on primary sources and immersion strategies.


题目:Competition and regime complex architecture: authority relations and differentiation in international education

作家:Rie Kijima,多伦多大学蒙克全球事务与人人战略学院的助理教化;Phillip Y. Lipscy,多伦多大学政事学系和蒙克全球事务与人人战略学院教化,及东京大学法学院教化。


What are the determinants and consequences of regime complexity? We argue that characteristics of international issue areas – network effects and entry barriers – affect the degree of feasible competition, with important consequences for authority relations, institutional differentiation, and substantive outcomes. Competition tends to erode the dominance of status quo institutions, diminishing hierarchy. Differentiation under competition varies according to power and material resources: Powerful states seek to shift the status quo by introducing undifferentiated institutions, while actors with limited resources tend to target differentiated niches. Variation in substantive outcomes depends on the initial configuration of institutions, particularly which actors are originally empowered and thus stand to lose from competition. We develop this theory and test four hypotheses by examining the regime complex for international education, a substantively important but often neglected issue area.


题目:Hierarchy and differentiation in international regime complexes: a theoretical framework for comparative research

作家:C. Randall Henning,好意思利坚大学国外工作学院国外经济关系教化;Tyler Pratt,北卡罗来纳大学教堂山分校政事学助理教化。


The concept of international regime complexity offers a useful lens for examining the increasing density of international institutions in global governance. A growing literature in International Political Economy (IPE) identifies clusters of overlapping institutions in many important policy areas, yet some scholars argue that complexity undermines governance effectiveness, while others perceive distinct advantages over unified institutions. To bring coherence to these findings, we present a general theoretical framework that characterizes regime complexes based on two structural features: Authority relations and institutional differentiation. These dimensions jointly determine the opportunities and constraints that states and other actors confront as they navigate institutional rules. As a result, they shape important outcomes, such as policy adjustment, regime shifting and competitive regime creation. The article proposes testable hypotheses regarding the effects of authority and differentiation, and we assess their correspondence with the eight regime complexes examined by the five companion articles in this special issue. We further identify a set of dynamic processes that shape the evolution of regime complexes over time. Our framework strengthens the foundation for comparative analysis of regime complexes and charts a new agenda for the research program.


题目:Value differentiation, policy change and cooperation in international regime complexes

作家:Tyler Pratt,北卡罗来纳大学教堂山分校政事学助理教化。


In many issue areas in international political economy (IPE), interstate cooperation is governed by a dense network of distinct but overlapping international institutions. Whether this environment of 'regime complexity’ strengthens or undermines cooperation is a subject of intense debate. Some argue that overlapping institutions enhance legitimacy and flexibility, while others claim that opportunistic forum shopping enables states to escape compliance with rigorous rules. This article reconciles this debate, demonstrating that regime complexity has contrasting effects depending on the degree of value differentiation among institutions. In issue areas where undifferentiated institutions function as substitutes, forum shopping will reduce the regime’s ability to discipline state behavior. However, in issue areas where institutions are differentiated by value – i.e. the benefits they provide increase as rules become more rigorous – institutional overlap can increase policy change among states. I demonstrate these dynamics formally and provide empirical evidence in a comparative analysis of the regime complexes for election observation and forest-related carbon offsets.

编译 | 朱嘉成 崔育涞

校对 | 崔育涞 朱嘉成

排版 | 赵弘宇




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